The Govt. of Maharashtra notifies NSC as a Safety Auditor

The National Safety Council has been notified as a Safety Auditor for carrying out safety audit of the factories under the Maharashtra Factories (Safety Audit) Rules, 2014 vide the Maharashtra State Govt. Notification No. FAC-2012/C.R.278/Lab-4 dated 24th February 2014.

These Rules are applicable to the factories –

i) in which manufacturing processes, which involves use, storage, handling or processing of toxic or highly inflammable or explosive or hazardous chemicals or wherein such toxic or highly inflammable or explosive substances are likely to be generated or given out, are carried out, or
ii)in which the hazardous processes as listed in First Schedule of section 2 of the Factories Act, 1948 is carried out; or
iii) employing more than 250 workers.

For details see Rule No.5(3) of the Maharashtra Factories (Safety Audit) Rules, 2014 – click

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