NSC had carried out feasibility studies under the MoEF/World Bank Project on “Industrial Safety and Disaster Prevention (ISDP)” in collaboration with WEC and Texas A&M University, USA. The contract for this study was awarded to it by the MoEF after inviting tenders from pre-selected reputed organisations. The studies have been completed within 5 months.

ISDP project had 6 Terms of References (TORs) and Council has awarded 2 of the 6 TORs namely TOR-2 and TOR-6 tilled:

TOR-2: Setting up Centre(s) of Excellence & Training Institute for Hazardous Substances Management

TOR-6: Training/Workshop Requirements in Industrial Safety; Disaster Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation; Hazardous Substances and Hazardous Wastes Management.

TASKS under the TORs

TOR-2 :

  •    Need for establishment of Centre(s) of excellence
  •    Number and location of such centre(s)
  •    Design and modalities of functioning of the centre(s)
  •    Infrastructure, manpower and financial requirements
  •    Training needs
  •    Design a training unit
  •    Training modules


  • Identify Institutions
  • Design curriculae
  • Local level training needs
  • Workshop/seminars
  • Training needs for hazardous waste management

For completing the tasks NSC officers and international experts from WEC and Texas A&M University, USA visited 24 institutions/ organization in 8 states of India.  The separate reports for TOR 2 and 6 were prepared and submitted to MoEF within a stipulated time under the contract.