NSC had implemented a 2-year (1994-96) Action Programme titled “Raising Awareness to Safety and Health of Working Children in Selected Industries” funded by the ILO under its `International Programme for Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)’. The four industries covered are : Gem Polishing Industry of Jaipur, Lock Industry of Aligarh; Glass Industry of Firozabad and Brassware Industry of Moradabad.
- Raising awareness on the status of the existing working conditions and hazards to satisfy and health.
- Contributing to the elimination of child labour from the hazardous operations and processes and the work detrimental to the child workers engaged in the four industries.
- Suggesting measures for improvement of working conditions, work practices and work methods, and standards of safety and health at the workplaces where children are imployed in the aforesaid industries.
- Working Children
- Parents of Child Workers
- Social Workers & Teachers
- Employers of Child Workers
- Trade Union Workers
- Factory & Labour Inspectors
- The activities under the Action Progamme were developed and guided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) under the Chairmanship of the Director General.
- Preparation of Questionnaire
- Field Survey for Data Collection
- Preparation of Promotional and Awareness Material
- Dissemination of Information through Seminars/ Awareness Sessions
All the Awareness and Training Material is in English as well as in Hindi except where specified.
a) Booklets : 17 Nos.
- Manual for Factory and Labour Inspectors (English only) – covering all the four industries. A set of 4 booklets for each of the four industries (total 16 Booklets)
- A Guide for Child Workers and Parents (Hindi only)
- Role and Responsibilities of Employers
- Trade Union Intervention
- A Guide for Social Workers and Non-formal Teachers
b) Multi-Colour Posters : 8 Nos.
Brass Industry
- Prevent burns – Provide shoes, and tongs with long insulated handles
- Prevent dust exposure – Provide local exhaust
Gem Industry
- Watch that back – Provide rest pauses
- Poor lighting causes eye strain – Provide local lighting
Glass Industry
- Avoid cuts and wounds – Provide gloves and shoes
- Minimise exposure to soot and smoke – Provide ventilated work place.
Lock Industry
- Ungourded machines are dangerous – Guard-die punch
- Avoid back pain – Provide back rest
c) Videos : 2 Nos.
- Safety and Health of Working Children in Brassware Industry
- Safety and Health of Working Children in Gem Polishing Industry
Total 24 Seminars for 1101 participants from the above 4 industries targeting working children, parents of working children, teachers & social workers, employers, trade union workers and factory & labour inspectors were organised under the programme.