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Risk Assessments

The primary objective of HIRA is to help the organization to address foreseeable significant health and safety hazards in the activities and operations in industry.

The methodology of HIRA is to assess the existing risk in any operation / activity in conjugation with the safety precautions and suggest future safety measures in terms of improvement / addition interlock machines guarding, fire / electrical protection system and PPE to reduce risk.

HIRA involves numbering of Risk in the matrix of 3×3 or 5X5 (severity of incident due to the hazards existing x frequency of occurrence due to the hazards existing)

NSC conducts HIRA studies as per IS: 18001 (Occupational Health Safety Management System – Requirement with Guidance for use) taking into account the plant specific applicable statutory requirements and standards.

QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment)

The main objective of QRA is to make quantification of the risk involved in the operations in the chemical industries and processes. The evaluation is a four step process with Hazard Identification, Consequence analysis, Frequency estimation and Risk analysis/Risk assessment.

Identification of hazard involves identifying the probable scenarios or areas for possible loss of containment in the plant. The effects of the loss of containment in terms of damage distance, concentration, heat flux, over-pressure are assessed in consequence analysis. Taking into consideration of frequency of failure, the risk value is calculated and suggestion is offered in the report for reducing and mitigating the risk.

The scenario for risk analysis varies between Maximum Credible Loss Scenario (MCLS) and Worst Case Scenario and also a mixture of both.

Inputs of Risk Assessment are the inventory, hazardous properties of the chemicals involved, inherent design and engineered design aspects, engineering judgment and past history on accidents.

NSC conducts risk analysis using different softwares such as ALOHA, SAVE II, DNV Phast etc.

Assessment form for sending techno-commercial offer for Risk Assessment ← Click for the form


HAZOP study is the assessment on adequacy of safety measures taken by industries vis-a-vis the hazards present and is primarily carried for process industries.

Any plant operation may involve deviation from design parameters. HAZOP study is a structured methodology to identify all possible deviations of the process parameters namely temperature, pressure, composition, direction of flow etc, and all the consequences associated with each deviations. The deviation is also correlated to the safety interlocks, instrumentation and administrative procedure related to the operation.

The output of HAZOP is a list of possible deviations, their causes, consequences, safety measures and additional safety measures required to avoid consequences. Study involves a multidisciplinary team of plant personnel and NSC experts (who lead the HAZOP team) in those fields. The report of HAZOP Study also comes in the same format.

NSC conducts HAZOP Studies in Refineries, LPG Recovery plants, Compressor stations, Oil pipelines, Power plants, Chemical and Petrochemical Industries.

Assessment form for sending techno-commercial offer for Hazop Study ← Click for the form

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