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Applications are Invited for NSCI Safety Awards-2024 (Service Sector)

Objective: To recognize and reward the establishments in the service sector for their exemplary Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) performance & commitment to reduce workplace injuries, implementations of the best OSH practices and encourage continual improvements.

Assessment Period: One calendar year (2023) previous to the Awards Year-2024.


1) The Scheme is open to the following Establishments only

  1. Hotels having more than 100 rooms or 15 m height and above
  2. IT establishments having high rise buildings (15 m heights & above) or floor area above 1,000 m2
  3. Hospitals having 100 or more beds or 15 m height and above
  4. Electricity Transmission line/ distribution line (11 KV above) Station
  5. Corporate/Bank/Insurance offices located in high rise buildings (15 m heights & above) or floor area above 1,000 m2
  6. R & D Centre employing more than 100 employees (Independent centre not covered in the Factories Act, 1948)
  7. Warehouses having floor area above 10,000 m2
  8. Airport operation (Ground activities managed by airport owner/operator)
  9. Shopping Mall (Activities managed by Owner/ Operator) having floor area above 50,000 m2
  10. Ports [Major Port and Non-major Port (minor port)]

The above establishments shall be registered under the Shop & Establishment Act (registered premise only) or any other applicable statute.

The establishments should be in operation for a minimum of 3 years period before the awards year.

Awards Year: Calendar Year-2024

Details of Awards:

Level Name of the Award No. of Awards Prize*
1st Award Sarvashreshtha Suraksha Puraskar 1 Golden Trophy and Certificate
2nd Award Shreshtha Suraksha Puraskar 2 Silver Trophy and Certificate
3rd Award Suraksha Puraskar 3 Bronze Trophy and Certificate
4th Award Prashansha Patra At the discretion of Awards Committee Certificate


The minimum qualifying score for receiving the above awards is 65% in overall assessment.

Those organisations who scored 65% and above marks, but could not receive the above awards, will be issued certificate of appreciation.

Online Submission:

Request for Online Application Link (open link in Google Chrome / Microsoft Edge only) → Apply Online for NSCI Safety Awards 2024

(After submitting the details, NSC team will send the link for submitting the application)

Tutorial video for the password set up Click here

Tutorial video for online application form submission Click here

Online Payment Link:

Application Form:

Application should be submitted only in the prescribed format provided at the following link for free download.

Click here → for downloading the Application Form

Processing Fee:

  • Submission by NSCI digital Portal: 30,000/- plus 18 % GST
  • Submission by Hard Copy: 35,000/- plus 18 % GST

Payment once made, it cannot be refunded or adjusted.

How to Apply:

  • The Application Form shall be submitted online. Under exceptional circumstances offline submission will be accepted with the additional processing fee of Rs.5,000. It is advisable; submit it online as an environment protection initiative.
  • Online submission:
    1. Make online request along with the payment details (Online/NEFT/RTGS or Demand Draft) available at NSC website.
    2. You will receive the user id and password link to access the online system for filling-up and submission the application form.
  • Offline submission:
    1. Send the filled-in Application Form (one hard copy and one soft copy in pen-drive/DVD) along with a payment in the form of Demand Draft towards a processing fee. If payment made by Online/NEFT/ RTGS/ BANK transfer, provide its details in the Application Form.
    2. Application Form can be sent by post/ courier or hand delivery at National Safety Council, Plot No. 98-A, Sector-15, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400614.

Kindly submit at the earliest.

The last date for submission of duly filled in Application for NSCI Safety Awards-2024 is extended to 31st August, 2024.

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