The Fire Service Week (FSW) is observed nation-wide under the guidance of the Fire Adviser, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India during April 14 – 20. This is in remembrance of the lives lost in the devastating fire that erupted and the explosions that followed on 14th April, 1944 at the Victoria Dock in the Mumbai Port and also to prevent fire in all industries.
The National Safety Council (NSC) has been promoting the FSW Campaign since 1999 with a view to propagate Fire Safety awareness amongst employees, their families and the public.
Guidelines for observing FSW
NSC is facilitating industries in the observance of the FSW by developing appropriate promotional material related to prevention of fire and protection of life & property in the form of Special Information Packages comprising of pocket guides, special fire safety posters, banners and promotional utility items.
For more details and assistance, kindly contact :
Direct Lines : 022-27522891 / 878 / 875
Board Lines : 022-27579924