All the Awareness and Training Material is in English as well as in Hindi except where specified.
a) Booklets : 17 Nos.
- Manual for Factory and Labour Inspectors (English only) – covering all the four industries. A set of 4 booklets for each of the four industries (total 16 Booklets)
- A Guide for Child Workers and Parents (Hindi only)
- Role and Responsibilities of Employers
- Trade Union Intervention
- A Guide for Social Workers and Non-formal Teachers
Setting up of Disaster Management Division in NSC
Developed and sustained NSC services for industry on Chemical Safety & Emergency Management based on APELL.
Based on the experiences gained in the APELL Programme and the services provided, NSC has set up a separate Disaster Management Division in 2006. The activities of the Division include:
- Review/Prepare Disaster Management Plans for Industrial Units, Projects, Corporate Officers/Buildings and Industrial areas.
- Organise and conduct national level workshops on various themes of Disaster Management
- Conducting need-based trainings programmes on Disaster Management in industrial units, schools, etc.:
- Provide follow-up services on emergency planning and preparedness including observers.