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NSC had implemented a 2-year (1994-96) Action Programme titled "Raising Awareness to Safety and Health of Working Children in Selected Industries" funded by the ILO under its `International Programme for Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)’. The four industries covered are : Gem Polishing Industry of Jaipur, Lock Industry of Aligarh; Glass Industry of Firozabad and Brassware Industry of Moradabad.


NSC has been actively working in the field of Disaster Management since 1992 by working in collaboration with the UNEP and implementing its newly developed Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL) Programme across the country. Since then, this Programme has been implemented in the following stages:

  • Raising awareness on the status of the existing working conditions and hazards to satisfy and health.
  • Contributing to the elimination of child labour from the hazardous operations and processes and the work detrimental to the child workers engaged in the four industries.
  • Suggesting measures for improvement of working conditions, work practices and work methods, and standards of safety and health at the workplaces where children are imployed in the aforesaid industries.


  1. Working Children
  2. Parents of Child Workers
  3. Social Workers & Teachers
  4. Employers of Child Workers
  5. Trade Union Workers
  6. Factory & Labour Inspectors


  1. The activities under the Action Progamme were developed and guided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) under the Chairmanship of the Director General.
  2. Preparation of Questionnaire
  3. Field Survey for Data Collection
  4. Employers of Child Workers
  5. Preparation of Promotional and Awareness Material
  6. Dissemination of Information through Seminars/ Awareness Sessions



All the Awareness and Training Material is in English as well as in Hindi except where specified.

a) Booklets : 17 Nos.

  1. Manual for Factory and Labour Inspectors (English only) – covering all the four industries. A set of 4 booklets for each of the four industries (total 16 Booklets)
  2. A Guide for Child Workers and Parents (Hindi only)
  3. Role and Responsibilities of Employers
  4. Trade Union Intervention
  5. A Guide for Social Workers and Non-formal Teachers

Setting up of Disaster Management Division in NSC

Developed and sustained NSC services for industry on Chemical Safety & Emergency Management based on APELL.

Based on the experiences gained in the APELL Programme and the services provided, NSC has set up a separate Disaster Management Division in 2006. The activities of the Division include:

  1. Review/Prepare Disaster Management Plans for Industrial Units, Projects, Corporate Officers/Buildings and Industrial areas.
  2. Organise and conduct national level workshops on various themes of Disaster Management
  3. Conducting need-based trainings programmes on Disaster Management in industrial units, schools, etc.:
  4. Provide follow-up services on emergency planning and preparedness including observers.

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